
Aster of Ceremonies (Milkweed Editions)

The Clearing (Wendy’s Subway)


“Instructions Before Stuttering” (

“The stutter is a hearty break” (contribution to Drum Listens to Heart catalogue)

“The name of that silence is these grasses in this wind” (Zoeglossia and Poetry Foundation)

“Responsory; or, when shall we Walk clumsy into the Snow of Now” (in Tripwire: A Journal of Poetics, no. 18)

“Prayers to My Stutter #1 and #3” (The Offing)


“Liturgy of the Name” (Bomb Magazine)

“The clearing: music, dysfluency, Blackness, and time” (Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies); republished through BAK Prospections.


Interview with Sammy Maine (The Creative Independent)

Interview with Christine Kakaire (Various Artists)

Interview with the amazing Angel Bat Dawid in Bomb Magazine Winter 2023 issue.

Conversations on Sound and Power (interview with Sonic Insurgency Research Group, December 2021)

Rushing into the clearing: an interview with JJJJJerome Ellis (The Wire, November 2021)


"Visualizing Stuttering" (ICP Symposium—Seeing Meaning: From Pictographs to AI (March 19, 2024)

Friends Who Stutter, 26th Annual Convention Keynote (July 2023)

“Investigating Stammering through Music” (Celebration of Stammering & the Arts/virtual; March 2021)

“On Fugitive Speech” (Yale School of Art/virtual; November 2020)

“the stutter shall run away from any government—” (Lewis & Clark College/virtual; November 2020)

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